Friday, March 5, 2010


“ We’re only friends ‘cause of ‘THAT GUY’.. So, talk to ‘that guy’ if ya have a problem with it! ”

I’ve crossed paths with many types of people (as we all have) & I've enjoyed hearing the stories from many different walks of life..but I’m here to tell you, the most unique personality type I’ve met is what I like to call a link-mate…one of my favorite personality/character types & so very complex.

From Ashville to the Tri-Cities down to Sevierville over to Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg then rounding the corner to Knoxville, one thing stands true (a global phenomena, we’re all aware of, yes)..that people are cliquey creatures by nature. Like a pack of wolves, gaggle of geese, herd of cattle, colony of ants and a bed of clams, we too, ‘get in where we fit in’. Similar to a defined group of animals, we as humans are individually defined based on the people we ‘run with’. Now, I’m not talking about, ‘ you lay with dogs, you get flees’ because to me, a toootally different subject.

My faaavorite reason that separates us from my analogy; unlike the collective groups of animals or ‘animal cliques’, weee have these distinctive people that link one clique to another. I like to call these friendly friendship mergers, ‘link-mates’. They befriend & promote all they meet & then intermingle one clique member with the member of a different clique..thus, creating a magnificent medley of fellowshipping acquaintances that may result in the perfect recipe for great achievements & accomplishments!

We all know that guy or gal that seems to know everybody! You can go with that guy or gal to the mall, Walmart, a restaurant, ACE Hardware or even a gas station & they always run into someone they know. They’ll introduce you to whomever it is they know this time & give you that person’s full background history, accomplishments & then top off the introduction by complementing them in some way or another. Then they turn to that person & do the same for you. This positive first interaction/impression between you & this new person leaves you so comfortable with them that you’re genuinely happy to see that particular person the next you run into him/her. THIS Mr. I Know Everybody is your link-mate! He/She rarely to never forgets a name, face or how they know a person!

There's a lot to be said for these link-mates. They make the job look easy because it MUST be in their DNA to seamlessly on consistently join different walks of life & somehow always get these very different people to, well, like each other! And yes, most all of us, when given the opportunity, enjoy & find it easy to introduce people that don’t know one another..I know I do, but sadly, I’m not a link-mate & not everyone is cut out to be one of these inimitable persons. A link-mate is highly active, incredibly outgoing, positive, & is always match-making. When I say ‘match-making’, it’s on more of a business level that I refer to, but relationships are included, as well. These link-mates are rare, unique & oddly enough, they pop up out of nowhere when we need someone the most & are right in sync with our needs at that moment in time. Their ‘perfect’ timing is fascinating. I personally only know 3 people that I classify as link-mates..
Count how many you think could classify as link-mates in your life & email me the # with the subject “My Link-Mate #”. If you are one, count yourself!
On Sunday, March 8, 2010 I’ll post the average # of link-mates a person knows… (

A link-mate is known to run into you out of the blue..the two of you get to talking & he or she says, “ So, you need task A to be competed by tomorrow? Well, I know a someone that’s perfect for the need to worry, let me just give him/her a call.”
ALL people are able to find some commonality with link-mates. A link-mate’s closest friend or even just one of their acquaintances is always ready to help their when their needed. From an awesome new friend to a much needed business transaction, we might just meet that one link in our lives that ties everything else together. Go say HI to YOUR link-mate today!


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